The donations made by the Foundation allow local organizations to take concrete actions for the well-being of the children in our communities.
The mission of the Ultramar Foundation is to bring financial support to various organizations that help children in the communities where our gas stations and convenience stores network are in place, most particularly in Quebec and Ontario, as well as in the Maritimes.
Since 2013, we have helped more than a dozen charities to support children and their families.
Donations and fundraising activities
Day of Solidarity for children
Each year, a large-scale fundraising event is organized in Montreal. The Ultramar Foundation's Day of Solidarity is a festive day that brings together Ultramar employees and the general public with the aim of raising funds for children. This event is an opportunity to get together with family or friends to have a great time.

Donations and fundraising activities
Pump it up!
The partnership with Air-Serv, which manages the Parkland/Ultramar air pump network, raised more than $200,000 in 2021.

With the mission of providing financial support to organizations that help children in the communities served by its network of service stations and convenience stores in Quebec, Ontario and the Atlantic provinces, the Foundation occupies an enviable place in the philanthropic world.